
Ferococco Nr. 12

François Morellet

In his “Ferococco” series, François Morellet (1926-2016) plays with the individual elements of a circle and puts them together again and again. The circle is seen as a geometric figure that also contains many levels of meaning: it is the symbol of infinity, it appears calm, harmonious and self-contained.

In cooperation with the Zumtobel Group, Palais Liechtenstein and “Lichtstadt Feldkirch”, the work “Ferococco No. 12” (2002) is part of the exhibition “Aesthetics of Existence… Life, a Work of Art” at Palais Liechtenstein. The neon object consists of a grid of six elements that, when put together, form a circle. Ultimately, they are fragments that make up a large whole – a new composition is created from a familiar form. He does not hide the cables that electrify his neon works – on the contrary: he integrates them as form-forming elements.

“Lamentable” (2005), one of the French artist’s other works, is exhibited in Feldkirch’s Dom St. Nikolaus.